(205) 807-7256

What Teachers Are Saying

"From the moment Miss Annie steps through the classroom door children are spellbound with delight and wonder! Her costumes always grab the attention of youngsters and adults alike. As she softly begins the 'Miss Annie' promise, children fall under her spell and join her along the journey of learning! It is always a treat to have her visit our classroom!"

Karen Pruitt
Chelsea Park Elementary
First grade teacher

My student’s love when Miss Annie comes to visit. She is so engaging, educational, and entertaining!”

Mindy Kamper
Mt. Laurel Elementary
Kindergarten teacher

"From the moment Miss Annie steps into our school, students get excited! She makes learning science and social studies topics a fun, interactive process. But hey, don't take my word for it! The proof is written all over the kids' faces when they see her in the hallways! Miss Annie is a celebrity in our school!"

Somer Miller
Creek View Elementary
2nd grade teacher

"I thoroughly enjoy working with Miss Annie each year. She is absolutely wonderful with the students - captivating their attention throughout her lesson - and she is equally as wonderful to our teachers. The students and I both look forward to her visits each year! I definitely recommend Miss Annie's presentations to any grade level; book her early though - she tends to fill up fast!"

Sara Askew
Vincent Elementary School
Kindergarten teacher

"Miss Annie is Miss Frizzle come to life. Miss Annie is a great beginning to a teaching unit or she can be the “grand finale” to a unit you have taught. I LOVE having Miss Annie field trips….no buses to get, no long field trip forms to fill out; simply pay your very inexpensive fee and in she comes!! No matter a child’s age….all children LOVE Miss Annie and her fun songs and activities (teachers included).

Sharon Rogers
Elvin Hill Elementary
3rd Grade teacher